What we stand for:

The Connecticut for Lieberman Party (CFL) rejects the fraud perpetrated on the members of this party and the citizens of Connecticut by Joe Lieberman when he used the creation of this party to get on the general election ballot in 2006. The CFL is an independent, anti-war, anti-corruption, pro-fiscal responsibility, pro-democracy party, that stands for individual liberties and real problem-solving in government. The CFL wants everyone to know that in the United States of America, voters are free to join any party they wish, and participate in the democratic process according to the laws of Connecticut and the United States.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lieberman says yes to Hagee

Read the AP article below. Joe Lieberman has announced he will speak at Rev. Hagee's conference. Hagee has referred to the Catholic Church as "the great whore" and made extremely offensive statements concerning Hitler and the holocaust. Even John McCain, who had actively sought Hagee's support, has since repudiated Hagee, saying he has made statements that are "crazy and unacceptable."

It seems to us (the State Central Committee of the CFL) that Joe Lieberman is exercising the same incredibly poor judgement he used in his vigorous support of the invasion of Iraq.


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